Monday, February 6, 2012

When the Earth Gets Cold, BBC Gets Silent.

     WHILE SCIENTISTS WERE SENDING CONTROVERSIAL EMAILS, and the UN was meeting in Geneva and for climate summits, BBC News was pumping out stories about the sky which was apparently going to fall, and the earth which was on the verge of spontaneously combusting. 
     Now that Bosnia is experiencing the most snowfall ever and is under a state of emergency, at least three towns in Alaska are totally buried under record amounts of snow, 200 people in Europe are now dead due to record cold temperatures--BBC News is suspiciously silent.  In the 'Sci/Environment' section of their website, the former epicenter for the global warming propaganda, no such stories can be found about the extreme cold.  In their 'Europe' section, a story at the very bottom of the headlines casually reads, "Europe's Big Freeze Tightens Grip".  Hardly the Chicken Little-esque headline one might see as the title of a story about that warm day over the Summer.

So what the Heck?

     It's almost a sure bet that the first abnormally warm day of Spring will lead to more apocalyptic headlines over at the BBC.  With so much fuss made over global warming in the past few Summers, it would be an embarrassment for the left to admit that the Earth isn't really about to catch fire--literally at least.  Global warming--sorry, climate change--alarmists who actually speak when our planet is unusually cold, submit that it must be because of global warming.  Others, like the BBC choose to remain silent. 
     So it's really a win-win situation for those in favor of UN agendas and Toyota Priuses, but unbearable for those who aren't.  The people who don't like Priuses actually want the earth to catch on fire.  They are crazy right-wing Republicans who cling to God and guns, and want to throw grandma off a cliff.  Oh and they don't like kittens. 
     When the earth warms, it's global warming.  When it cools it's global warming, and the name is changed to climate change.  If you believe in global warming you like polar bears and you're smart.  If you don't, you obviously hate all living things and are an idiot. 
     The reality of the global warming issue-- wait, climate change-- is that it's just another tool of the left to justify regulation and to gain power.  Political correctness silences and ignores any argument contrary to the accepted belief of the left.  And what happens when the issue actually is questioned, or Europe is frozen solid?  Well, the BBC gets silent.

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