Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sources of Radicalism

FOLLOWING THE PREVIOUS POST, here is a list of videos and news stories verifying the radicalism of the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical Islamic victories in Middle Eastern governments and a complete denial of our government as to what is happening around the world.
Also, a bonus video of the comments Bill Ayers made to an FBI agent.

Yusef Al-Qaradawi praising Hitler's anti-semitism:

More anti-semitism:

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper ignoring Islamic ideology of Muslim Brotherhood:

Russia Today: Muslim Brotherhood lead polls in Egypt's new government, as was expected?:

Egypt's Islamic Candidate: 60% of Jews are Evil:

President Obama on the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (around 2:30):

Honor attacks on the rise in Great Brittain:

Bill Ayers to an FBI agent:

Muslim Brotherhood leading Polls in Egypt's election:

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