GLENN BECK has been the most comprehensive figure to cover the Occupy Wall Street happenings. Most on the left would say he's mis-informed, lying or what have you. I say he's 100% right. The liberal media, even Fox News which is becoming increasingly more mainstream, has put a damper on what's really happening at Occupy events around the country. Since I first heard the list on Glenn Beck's show of criminal incidents at Occupy, the amount of crime has grown much so that I can't name them all.
Today, in fact, an occupier was caught for shooting at the White House RESIDENCE LEVEL window that took place on Friday. Here are two things I think people should remember when they hear about Occupy Wall Street:
One- Spokesmen for the Occupiers will try to dismiss crime by saying the perpetrators aren't part of the movement which is untrue, and even if none of the people committing crimes are part of Occupy (which they are), the Occupiers have been rather slack in attempting to deal with crime.
Two- Unrest is the aim of this movement because without it, they will not be able to achieve their goals.
Incidents At OWS-
Occupy Cleveland- 19 yr old student raped in tent (not reported)
Seattle/Oakland- Indecent Exposure
Madison- Permit Revoked for indecent exposure
Dallas- Rape of 14 yr. old runaway
Lawrence- Sexual Assault by two men
Occupy New Hampshire- Pimp out 16 yr. old girl (arranged for client)
Occupy Wall Street- groping, def man raped (not reported)
Baltimore- Rape, robbery
Other Cases-
Numerous sexual assaults (some estimates of up to 75 cases of rape or sexual assault)
Drug Overdoses
Slashing of a police officer with a razor
Police cruiser smashed during Occupy Oakland riots
New cases of rape and one sexual assault at five Occupy encampments
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