Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Non-Brutal Brutality of Our Nation's Police

     "IT FELT LIKE THERE WAS ANARCHY EVERYWHERE.." and stuff.  "The police came and brutalized them and tore their tents down and all that stuff".  This is what one student told a local news station after witnessing the supposed police brutality that took place on the University of California at Davis' campus two days ago. 
     The tactics of the radical left in the Occupy movement...wait...they're all on the radical left...let me re-phrase.  The tactics of the Occupy movement are pretty clever one has to admit.  Most likely based on tactics used by their beloved European rioter friends, and possibly from those in the "Arab Spring" (catchy names for spontaneous events right?), the tactics used by the Occupiers play a pretty dirty trick on the mind and eyes of the 99%. 
     Videos of "police brutality" run rampant on sites like Youtube, and are an attempt by Occupiers to drum up support.  The videos usually pit Occupiers against police.  Oppressed against the oppressors.  In virtually all cases (I have yet to see otherwise), the videos start at the moment of police action, which I see as a pretty convenient coincidence.  And in a most recent account of "brutality", seated protesters were reportedly pepper-sprayed for being peaceful.  It is all failry convincing, too, until you begin to use your head.  It's something liberals don't think we conservatives do much of.
     In my opinion, these videos are nothing short of propaganda, something the radical left is also a fan of.  This propaganda is not your traditional fist-and-hammer Commie advertising, though.  It now takes the form of modern digital and social media that promote the cause in a more relevant way.  After all, print media is just not hip enough for a group such as Adbusters, who takes credit for the Occupy movement.  Knowing that fact, I found it not surprising they would take full advantage of such propaganda by posting this article on their blog: Suppressing Nonviolent Dissent.
     This post presents an anthology of the terrible police brutality taking place at the Occupy events. Except there isn't really any police brutality.  In each instance, no reason for arrest was presented, just as each video of "brutality" starts right as the arrest is taking place.  This is a problem because without context, any arrest could be pegged as brutality.  Police aren't in the business of playing nice when it comes to criminals.  That seems to be a little fact Occupiers miss.  Although I've never been arrested, or am not an officer, I can bet they don't receive training on how to make arrests as comfortable of an experience as possible.  Being arrested should be an unpleasant experience so that, I don't know, you don't want to be arrested again.
     Keeping all this in mind, I find little in the way of legitimacy to the claims of the Occupiers, or groups like Adbusters that refer to officers of the NYPD or other forces as brutalizing "pigs" (a favorite term for police among the Occupy crowd).  While I haven't been to an Occupy event, the Occupiers themselves seem to be itching to provide as much evidence as they can of the so-called brutality.  Even with the countless instances floating around the web, I have yet to see one bit of evidence of true police brutality at an Occupy event.    
     In all instances I could find, the so-called peaceful well-meaning Occupiers who were being arrested were either not peace-full or not well-meaning.  They usually were resisting arrest, ignoring the police, or in many cases instigating police to arrest them while ignoring their orders.  On the Adbusters website, they went so far as to say police were pepper-spraying grandmothers in the face.  Seriously?
     On the campus of UC Davis, the cops had a near loss in the battle against the lies of brutality.  However, while I will say in terms of PR pepper-spraying seated UC Davis students wasn't exactly the best choice, it was in no way brutality.  News sources reported the students were repeatedly warned to get off the SIDEWALK so people could USE IT (I'm assuming...because that's what sidewalks are for).  Adbusters says that possibly two officers participated in the pepper-spraying.  Whew.  Brutal.  Another comment says "great reporting on the indefensible pepper-spraying of UC Davis protesters".  Is pepper-spraying supposed to be defensible?  If so maybe the police should find a different tactic.  One gripping title on the Adbusters website says this "Female protester on the front line of Occupy Portland is sprayed with pepper spray directly in the face by riot police".  Yep.  That's where it's usually most effective.  In yet another video that would surely expose the rampant brutality of the police, a "whitness" describes this scene at Occupy Wall Street:

"uuuhh...a couple people got arrested...were sort of getting man-handled. girl was being picked up they had her hands behind her back and they were like holding her by her arms and legs..."

This sort of brutality has got to stop. isn't brutal, it sounds like people just getting arrested.
     And, in the most brutally non-brutal video I have seen, an Iraq War veteran was "beaten" by cops at Occupy Oakland.  It is here that context is imperative.  I would venture to say on this night, the police were on full alert, and wary of a protester like Kayvan Sabeghi who attempted to show his dominance to a squad of riot officers.  In the video, police clearly attempt to warn Sabeghi to get out of their way.  He refuses.  When they continue approaching him, one officer breaks formation.  The officer then procedes to chase (and curse at) the protester and billy club him as the protester is trying to run away.
     Out of context, this series of events could almost surely be pegged as brutality.  On this night, however, it was only a natural human response by one officer trained to be aware in situations like this.  The events on the 3rd-4th of November at the Occupy Oakland rallies were the worst rioting to date of the Occupy protests.  A general strike was declared in Oakland and what ensued were full blown, cars burning in the street, buildings on fire Greece style riots (refer to Francis Piven).  Occupiers started a bonfire in one street of Oakland, broke windows and graffittied buildings.  On this night, the protests weren't hippies sitting in parks, but people who truly wanted chaos, and would go through police to get it.  As a result, someone standing off with police in an act of defiance is a pretty good way to get police to act which is exactly what this officer did.
     In conclusion, I would advise anyone to be sceptical when a sympathizer of the Occupy protests claims police brutality.  Our nation's police forces, especially the NYPD who are at the epicenter of the movement, have shown that they can keep their discipline in the face of annoying, instigating protesters who desperately want to be in the picture that will go in the history books of social movements.  As these protests continue, and our nation's police forces are pushed to their absolute limits in terms of patience, the exceptional discipline a majority of the officers have shown may become a more rare occurrence. 
     When this happens, police will need as much support as possible in order to preserve order in our nation.  The propaganda of the Occupy movement is infectious because it is simple, as any propaganda is.  It's a simple and almost cliche tactic to peg police as brutal.  It's harder to understand that the Occupy movement is trying to turn people away from the police because the police stand with the system they wish to destroy.  Any authority figure will be targeted in Occupy, and the police are the authority on the front lines.  Any self-respecting person of the 99% should think before they demonize the police, however.  What is their alternative to police if they have such disdain for them?  Would an Occupy security assembly that pushes rape under the rug be better than police?  Could the Occupiers deal with murder or violent crimes better than police?  If everybody turns their back on police, there really will be like...anarchy everywhere, and brutalizers that won't be police, but people who will take advantage of chaos.  Is the 99% really about that?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ciminal Incidents at Occupy Wall Street

     GLENN BECK has been the most comprehensive figure to cover the Occupy Wall Street happenings.  Most on the left would say he's mis-informed, lying or what have you.  I say he's 100% right.  The liberal media, even Fox News which is becoming increasingly more mainstream, has put a damper on what's really happening at Occupy events around the country.  Since I first heard the list on Glenn Beck's show of criminal incidents at Occupy, the amount of crime has grown much so that I can't name them all. 
     Today, in fact, an occupier was caught for shooting at the White House RESIDENCE LEVEL window that took place on Friday.  Here are two things I think people should remember when they hear about Occupy Wall Street:
One- Spokesmen for the Occupiers will try to dismiss crime by saying the perpetrators aren't part of the movement which is untrue, and even if none of the people committing crimes are part of Occupy (which they are), the Occupiers have been rather slack in attempting to deal with crime.
Two- Unrest is the aim of this movement because without it, they will not be able to achieve their goals.

Incidents At OWS-
Occupy Cleveland- 19 yr old student raped in tent (not reported)
Seattle/Oakland- Indecent Exposure
Madison- Permit Revoked for indecent exposure
Dallas- Rape of 14 yr. old runaway
Lawrence- Sexual Assault by two men
Occupy New Hampshire- Pimp out 16 yr. old girl (arranged for client)
Occupy Wall Street- groping, def man raped (not reported)
Baltimore- Rape, robbery

Other Cases-
Numerous sexual assaults (some estimates of up to 75 cases of rape or sexual assault)
Drug Overdoses
Slashing of a police officer with a razor
Police cruiser smashed during Occupy Oakland riots
New cases of rape and one sexual assault at five Occupy encampments

Hey Liberals, Jesus Wasn't A Commie!

     "HEY MAN, JESUS WAS A COMMIE!"  This is a common argument used by many liberals to justify a system so corrupt and evil that the only way to give credit to it is to say the "big man" was even a proponent of it.  However, Jesus was most definitely NOT a Communist, and while he did advocate social justice, it wasn't in the way the liberals would have you believe.  Jesus, in fact, was not on any political side because he...being God...understood that no human government could rid the world of the poor, the hungry, the needy, the oppressed, the greedy or any other "social injustice".  Even while working on this post, I came across a story that actor Matthew Modine had created a short film titled "Jesus was a Commie".  Give me a break.  Before I could even finish writing, somebody makes a film advocating this flawed view of Christianity.  Being a Christian, I will try to put to rest this notion through my own feeble human understanding of Jesus' true teaching.
     As previously stated, the first thing a true follower of Christ, or anyone for that matter, should understand is that Jesus had a job to do, and it wasn't to advocate communism.  That job was to save us from our sins.  Pretty simple.  That didn't leave much room to advocate Marx's theory of capital or Adam Smith's theory of the invisible hand (although Jesus' teachings fall more in line with the free-market than communism).  Jesus had a limited time (around 33 years) to teach his disciples, preach to the people and give us enough material to learn how to be saved and live a life as a follower of Him.  I would say the least of Jesus' worries was trying to establish the principles of class struggle and collectivism on His creation.    
     Aside from this, a very important point to remember is that Jesus was NOT a political figure.  Jesus was the son of God, and our savior.  From the time Jesus was born, the Jewish people were looking for a secular king who would be a savior to them.  The wise men in Matthew 2:2 looked for the "king of the Jews" to come and worship after they were shown a star in the east.  When Jesus was about to be put to death by Pilate, he was asked if he truly was the king of the Jews, and Jesus replied, "you say so".  The Jews themselves believed that Jesus was their king and would rule over them, and were disappointed when he was put to death by the Romans.  Jesus never described himself as a political figure, and any attempt by man to label him as such was quickly countered.  Jesus' response to Pilate sums this up by saying that it is us who pin him as a political figure; he never claimed to be king, that's what we expected.
     "But....Jesus said spread the wealth man!"  Jesus' parables dealing with charity, loving your neighbor and all the things a good communist would identify with, were not actually things a communist would identify with.  Jesus was an advocate of DIVINE social justice, something no human government can achieve (though liberals will try).  His principles regarding our fellow man were not things that could be forced by the State, but had to come after a relationship with Christ was established.  In John 12:24, as Mary is washing Jesus' feet with expensive oil, he reminds Judas what his priorities should be.  He says: "you will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."  In Mark 14:7 Jesus is quoted as saying "you can help them any time you want."  Charity comes second to having a relationship with Christ.  After that we can help all the people we want.
     Jesus never told anybody to spread the wealth or said that the State had the right to do so.  Jesus' economic teachings (if there were any), boiled down to giving only because of your faith, and not being attached to any worldly possessions you may have.  When he tells the rich man to sell his possessions, it is because earthly things will not get you into heaven.  When he says it's harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel to get through the eye of a needle, he is saying that people put their faith in stuff rather than Him.  The disciples then ask Jesus, who can get into heaven if not a rich man?  Jesus says no-one, except through him.  And when the disciples sell their possessions and have everything in common?  Stalin wasn't telling them to do so, they did it because they had a fellowship with each other throught the Holy Spirit, not under the iron fist of a dictator.

So liberals, Jesus wasn't a Commie.  Sorry.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


     Ron Paul will be asked one question?  Should've seen that coming.  Out of every debate so far, the amount of questions he has been asked could probably be counted on fingers and toes.  That's probably because every time he speaks the moderators and other candidates have nothing to debate...because he's always right...
     But come on, at least give him maybe two questions next time, is that too much to ask?